Give a grant


Going to school supercharges a child’s income-generating
potential and makes prosperity part of the future for more families.

With a grant of £10,000 we can educate 125 children in Nepal for a whole year. For £130k we can build, develop and run a school in a new community for 7 years. Your support takes the possibility of a sustainable education and turns it into a reality for a whole community.

In the immediate term your grant may fund a school’s infrastructure, or cover the cost of educating a certain number of children over the course of a few years. But the impact of this grows over time and becomes something much broader. What you help provide is education, but what this leads to is a positive transformation of the fabric of a community.

Your grant could fund the first ever school in an area, enabling a whole community of children to fulfil their learning potential.

To learn more, contact [email protected]

Using grants to achieve your goals (as well as ours)

We recognise that you may have specific interests or objectives attached to a grant. There are many strands to our work – girls’ education, building projects, teaching programmes, WASH initiatives. Invest in our girls’ education work. Support us to extend our fellowship programme into more areas. Help us set up a school or deliver more dedicated support to counteract drop-outs. Talk to us about your interests and goals and we can focus your grant on the best area.

Make a lasting impact

Whatever your preference or area of interest, a grant to UWS unleashes the potential to change lives. Not just this year but long into the future. Grants create a sustainable long term legacy of learning and allow UWS to serve the most marginalised in communities for a sufficient amount of time. We want you to know how your funding is making a difference. So, we’ll report back on the UWS work your grant supports and keep you up to date on our progress.

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