Impact / News


July 21, 2022

United World Schools

5 mins

Donate to our Girls Will Be Girls appeal before 21st July 2022 and the UK government will DOUBLE your donation!

Right now, 129 million girls in some of the world’s poorest places are missing out on an education, denied their greatest chance to fulfil their potential. Make a gift to United World Schools and you could help 10,000 girls in Cambodia, Nepal, Myanmar and Madagascar go to school with their heads held high and tear down barriers to education. Girls will be girls. And the world better get ready.

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Almost half the countries around the world have still not reached gender parity in the classroom. When families can only send one child to school, often it’s a son who is chosen.

Even when they are able to get to school, girls are being held back in the classroom by damaging gender stereotypes – told they can’t be too outspoken, too ambitious or too independent. All because they’re a girl.

Girls from remote, ethnic minority communities are disproportionately affected. The girls who do attend school are at higher risk of dropping out by the time they reach their teens, due to the risk of child marriage and social stigma surrounding menstruation.

“I am proud that with education, my daughter can choose what she wants to become in the future.”

Jayanti, Nepal, Mother and Farmer

Make a gift to United World Schools and you could help over 10,000 girls in Cambodia, Nepal, Myanmar and Madagascar get access to education.

Your donation could help our incredible local teams to build schools in remote areas, improve hygiene facilities and train teachers in casting out gender stereotypes in the classroom. Your support could fund Mothers and Girls Groups so that girls are supported by their community and equipped with the skills and confidence they need to go to school with their head held high – and the conviction to take on the world.

The time for action is now. Because if you make your gift today, it will be doubled by the UK government. Your powerful support could help girls get access to education they would otherwise have been denied – access that their mothers and grandmothers never had.

Make a gift to United World Schools and you could help over 10,000 girls in Cambodia, Nepal, Myanmar and Madagascar get access to education.

Education helps girls to understand their rights.

– Tev, Community Teacher, Cambodia

Educating girls is proven to be one of the most powerful ways to change the world; it empowers them to break gender barriers, earn more, marry later and have a positive ripple effect on communities, future generations and even the environment.

According to the UN, for every additional year of primary school, a girl is likely to earn 10-20% more when they grow up. Not only that, but they’re likely to challenge outdated gendered expectations such as child marriage by choosing to marry later. Studies even show that educating girls is one of the most powerful ways to combat the climate crisis.

And if they choose to become mothers one day, the chances of their children surviving past the age of 5 increases, and they’ll be much more likely to push to educate their own children. This will create a powerful ripple effect, breaking the cycle of poverty and bringing our world closer to the day when no girl is restricted by the circumstance of her birth. It all starts with them – and with you.

Your donation will be doubled by the UK government.

Together, our impact could be limitless.

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